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Castellar de la Frontera

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Castellar in the prehistoric times

Castellar de la Frontera and its surroundings have been a strategic point for many invaders and settlers throughout history. But, what about prehistoric times? Was this part of Campo de Gibraltar area also important in this period?

Many many years ago when man appeared on earth, a great part of what is today our continent, was submerged under water. Several fossils related to this fact have been discovered in the area of Castellar, amongst them some shark teeth, some clam’s shells and various plants.

When man started to live on our planet, he chose Castellar’s surroundings to develop his activities. This land had, and still has, plenty of forests with good animal hunting and a great quantity of caves where he could take refuge. The important strategic position near Africa also made this area important in the times of early man. We can see this fact in the various stone industries found belonging to the Palaeolithic period.

This area was also important during the Neolithic and Bronze Ages. According to an outstanding research, we can be assured that there was a Bronze Age village where the current old Castellar is currently situated. Different examples of ceramic and paintings related to this period have also been found on this site.

During the Neolithic and Bronze Age, man used to paint on the cave walls, creating an art called cave painting. In Castellar, you find a lot of caves with examples of this art. Another evidence of the existence of man in this area during the mentioned period is the presence of anthropogenic graves excavated on the rocks that show the presence of human groups in this area. As times were passing, different colonizing villages chose Andalucía and Campo de Gibraltar area in which to settle and it is supposed that Castellar was also visited by these folk. The footsteps that these colonizing people left in Andalucía are very large, as this region was such a good area for trading.

Andrés Herrera Moya

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