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Castellar de la Frontera

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Castellar de la Frontera in Roman times

The presence of the Romans in the Iberian Peninsula dates back to the III century B.C when this village defeated the Carthage army and evicted them from this country. The Roman invasion became very important to the whole of  Spain and, obviously, in the areas near the Straits of Gibraltar, where they established two powerful cities: Carteia and Baelo Claudia.

There is good evidence that Castellar de la Frontera area was visited by the Romans and that they settled in this region. It is thought that there was an important enclave, Torre Lascutana, in this village, which lies under where today the castle is situated. There was a Roman road that united Carteia with Cordóba and it is thought that there was an army in this enclave to watch out for the armies on their way to Cordoba and vice versa. There is also evidence of another smaller Roman road that would link the main one to this site.
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